Donated Gifts

These are organizations or charities that have received our gifts.

Coral Bay at Pensacola

A skilled nursing and assisted living facility in Pensacola, FL

9 Pieces used in this quilt.  4 are the same flags 

Top sewn by Georgena; quilted by Peggy 

Stitched by:

Top row, L-R, Margo, Linda, Cheryl

2nd row-Lucy, Sue S., Patsy

3rd row-Wendy, Patsy, Margo

Stitched by:


Top row, L-R, Kathy, Katye,  Harriet,  2nd row-Carolyn, Peggy, Mary, 3rd row-Diane, Sue S, MaryAnn

Squares stitched by:  Top row, L-R Mary, Carolyn, Kathy;  2nd row Harriet, Patsy, Carol; 3rd row-Elena, Wendy, Rachel