Donated Gifts

These are organizations or charities that have received our gifts.

Coral Bay at Pensacola

A skilled nursing and assisted living facility in Pensacola, FL

Flower Basket and Bees stitched by GM - VA

Count your blessings and Butterfly stitched by DB - MD


Stitched by Pat P

Cross Stitchers Margo-AZ, SS-MI and unknown cross stitchers

All designs were cross stitched by Pat P.

Goose Select

Cross Stitch by Kathleen in PA

Cross stitch by KL in PA

Cross stitch by KL in PA

Cross Stitcher Twig

Cross stitcher Pat P.

Lily WB Select

Cross stitch by Pam H in Oregon; sewn by Elizabeth in SC

Cross stitch by Gloria M; sewn by Elizabeth in SC

Cross Stitch by Patsy from Illinois; sewn by Elizabeth in SC

Stitched by Sue S

Autumn Select

Stitched and finished by Elizabeth in SC

Stitched by Sue S

Bubbles Select