Unfinished Gifts

Browse the Planned Gifts below to see what types of gifts we are working on and the specific types of stitched pieces we need. Once you find something you want to stitch, sign up if required, then complete your piece, upload a photo of it, and send it to us.

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Autumn 9 block


Unlimited sign ups. Use any color or count AIDA or even weave cut 8” x 8” or 20 cm x 20 cm. Choose any pattern on the theme as long as the stitching area is no larger than about 5.5” square or 14 cm x 14 cm, using 14 ct 77 x 77 stitches. No Halloween motifs please. When finished please post a photo of your work, if possible, otherwise ask Peggy to do it for you. Send your square to Peggy.

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